
This Is How Lupillo Rivera Reacted To The Criticism Of Belinda’s Tattoo

The singer sent a strong message to those who made fun of his new tattoo

In recent days, the singer Lupillo Rivera has been in the eye of the hurricane, after he covered the tattoo with Belinda’s face that was made in 2019 and his brother, Juan Rivera, uncovered the dispute between the two.

Given this, Lupillo reacted and sent a strong message to those who criticize him. From his Instagram account, he shared a video in which he refers to the criticisms and assured that they are necessary to move forward and grow.

“I woke up with this direct message to me … 1000 motivation. Goodbye to the pests of your life, I keep going whether you like it or not, ¡Puro pa delante! ”The singer wrote about a motivational video from TikTok user @motivacionroyale.

Criticism is a requirement of greatness. I assure you that not everyone will like you in the end, but at the end of life, you will enjoy knowing that you dared and they did not. Walk as buffaloes do! I am the captain of my ship ”, is heard in the TikTok clip.

Lupillo Rivera tatto
PHOTO: Instagram / @lupilloriveraoficial

In addition to criticism for the tattoo, some followers of the interpreter on the social network pointed out that the message could also be due to the recent statements of Juan Rivera, brother of himself and the singer Jenni Rivera, about the dispute between the two.

“The message is very cool, but I feel that even if it is true, it does not stop hurting because it is your family, I feel that they should leave the pride of both sides and say ‘brother, I watered it, I was wrong. Forgiveness’. Don’t let money or disagreements separate you for life, ”wrote one user in Lupillo’s post.

“I think you are old enough to continue in these tell me and tell your brother, stop him both, leave this gossip that is ugly,” said another follower. ” Well, let me tell you that that message is very nice, but it doesn’t fit you,” said another.

Regarding the tattoo, which has been mocked with multiple memes, Lupillo responded to some of the comments of his followers a couple of days ago. Through Instagram comments, the singer responded to criticism and caused the annoyance of more than one user.


“What a disappointment, as they say around here: ‘a lot of noise and little nuts’, I really thought that it would really be a messy job and everything was in a stain …”, opined a netizen. To which Lupillo replied: “This is how my 12-year-old nose designed it, ma’am.”

There were also those who pointed out that the singer decided to cover his tattoo due to the recent engagement between Belinda and Christian Nodal: “Ay, sr. Lupillo, I don’t know why but I feel like he’s just doing it out of fervor because Mrs. Sapito is getting married ”, wrote one user.

“Name … already passed through here,” replied the interpreter of the major league interpreterRivera’s comment caused anger among some of his followers. Some described the answer as rude, as it would not be an appropriate way to refer to an ex-partner.

“What a shame it gives me, ‘he already passed through here, as if you were so handsome” and “sorry, but, of a woman who was in your life is not talked about that way,” said other netizens. Before what Lupillo attacked once more: “?, Your message is very lake, bye, ” he wrote in the publication of the video of the work that the tattoo artist did on his left arm.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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