
Will Smith “loses” his teeth playing golf with Jason Derulo | VIDEO

Will Smith "loses" his teeth

The actor shows his good humor despite the accident suffered. The video already has more than two million views. Will Smith scared his followers with a joke that he shared on his social networks, in the images he is seen playing golf with singer Jason Derulo in a closed place of his mansion. Only that the situation … Read more

Governor Andrew Cuomo confirmed that students in New York will return to schools

Governor Andrew Cuomo confirmed that students in New York will return to schools

Governor Andrew Cuomo said the state now has a low enough COVID-19 transmission level to resume face-to-face classes In a televised nationwide press conference, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo confirmed that in communities where the coronavirus positive rate is less than 5 percent, school districts will be allowed to start the 2020-2021 school year (scheduled … Read more

The White House epidemiologist alerted Congress that the increase in cases in the US is “disturbing”

Anthony Fauci

Anthony Fauci appeared this Tuesday before the Energy and Commerce Committee of the House of Representatives where he warned that the situation may worsen, if the necessary measures are not taken The chief scientific officer in the fight against the coronavirus in the United States, Anthony Fauci, has warned this Tuesday to the US Congress that … Read more