Ralph Kinsey Death: A Renowned Drummer and Percussionist of ‘ The Kinsey Report’ Sadly Passed Away

On January 16, 2024, the heartbreaking news turned the atmosphere into a mourning state which states that Ralph Kinsey, a dedicated drummer of ‘ The Kinsey Report’, has sadly passed away. The departure of Ralph Kinsey left the world of arts and music heartbroken.

According to the reports, Ralph Kinsey died on January 16, 2024, after his brief battle with cancer. The type of his cancer has not yet been disclosed to the general public. The news of his death was announced by his brother and band mate, Kenny Kinsey, on his Facebook page, where he expressed the significant loss of his family and music community. His heartfelt announcement reflects the exceptional bond they shared together.

Who was Ralph Kinsey?

Ralph Kinsey was a dedicated percussionist and a drummer of ‘The Kinsey Report’. He was a well-known visual artist who developed a passion for music and was inspired by his father, Lester ‘Big Daddy’ Kinsey.

Hailing from blues-rich Mississippi, Ralph seeks guidance from his father, who introduced him to resonating and captivating gospel and blues sound. His father’s prowess on the Delta side guitar and soulful playing of harmonica played an important role in Ralph’s musical upbringing.

Before the age of six, he was gifted with his first Snare Drum, which instilled in him the passion to learn and play resonating sounds immersed with a rich blend of rock and blues. Under the mentorship of his father, his passion for the roots of the Blues genre grew stronger, which shaped his unique approach to the Rhythmic style. His unique rhythmic style with deep roots in the rich tapestry of the blues genre later become the identity of the band ‘ The Kinsey Report’.
Later, Ralph, along with his brothers Kenneth Kinsey and Donald Kinsey and with family friend Ron Prince, formed the band ‘ The Kinsey Report in 1984 in their hometown in Gary, Indiana. The band was later enlarged by Harmonica Virtuoso Lester Davenport and transformed into the National Blues Scene, which introduced Streetsmart, a funky blues rock fusion that resonated with the audiences.

Donald and Kenneth, an older Kinsey brother earlier, formed the trio white lightnin’ of blues/rock and served as a framework that later became an identity of the

dynamic performances of ‘ The Kinsey Report’.

The Kinsey Report, shared the musical stage with many blues legends, including Middle Walter, Albert King, and Bob Marley. The band later took a pause of 14 years, which ended with the release of the four-song EP ” Standing (I’ll be) in 2013, which was a blend of traditional and contemporary gospel, funk, and blues.
In addition to musical prowess, Ralph Kinsey showed his visual artistic talent with the release of his Sound Impressions Series, a perfect blend of visual work that was exhibited in Hobart, Indiana, at Pleasant Grove Studio. The creative work of Ralph showed his multifaceted talent as a musical and visual artist.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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