Jaleen Lagasse Suicide: Obituary, Cause Of Death, Funeral

On June 21, 2023, a mother from Palm Bay, Florida, committed suicide. The victim has been identified as Jaleen Lagasse, also known to many people as Jaleen Colon in a loving manner.

Jaleen Lagasse from Sabana Seca reportedly died from self-inflicted gunshot wounds. She posted a short statement on her Facebook page just before she passed away, wishing everyone a great life.

The people who love Jaleen the most struggle to express how much they care about her. They had an unbreakable link and will never forget her influence on their lives.

Her presence gave great happiness and joy, and her absence will be regretted severely. Despite the unbearable agony of her passing, Jaleen’s legacy will continue because of the remaining people.


Janibell Coger has started a GoFundMe campaign with the following message to generate funds for the burial services and other expenses:

On 6/21/23, we received the news that no one wanted to hear. Your loved one has passed away. This was very much unexpected and heartbreaking. It saddens me to know that she will no longer be with us. She leaves behind three kids that love her dearly. We are all devastated and heartbroken at the news. Please help us raise enough money to cover the funeral arrangements. Whatever is not used for the funeral will be given to her children.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. I will update everyone as soon as we have made the funeral arrangements. To date, 27 donors have raised USD 3,865 of the $5,000 target.


Everyone misses and remembers her. They use their social media to respect him and offer their sympathies.

“Jaleen Lagasse, Words cannot describe how much I loved you, just know Skyeler will be well loved and taken care of, and we’re going to celebrate your life every February 21. Rest easy, Mi Amor and I truly hope you are at peace. I will miss you until my time comes. I still can’t believe it.”

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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