
Purple Aki, British Convicted Offender Akinwale Arobieke Found Dead

Purple Aki, a British convicted offender, tragically passed away after an unknown event.

Akinwale Arobieke, a bodybuilder also known as Purple Aki in North West England, was found dead at his home in Liverpool.

No information on the circumstances of Purple Aki’s death had been made public at the time of publication.

During this challenging time, our thoughts and prayers are with his friends and family. The funeral and obituary details are kept confidential.

Born on July 15, 1961, in the UK, Akinwale Oluwafolajimi Oluwatope Arobieke was a convicted offender. Purple Aki was a bodybuilder who was 6 feet 5 inches (1.96 meters) tall. He was 22 stone (310 lb; 140 kg) in weight.

Arobieke became well-known for “approaching younger males and striking up conversations about weight training, before touching and measuring their muscles, and inviting them to squat his body weight.”

Following Merseyside Police’s successful plea for a Sexual Offences Prevention Order, Liverpool Magistrates’ Court recognized in 2006 that his criminal action was initially considered to be motivated by sexual desire. This ban was lifted in May 2016 since Arobieke was never found guilty of a sexual offense.

The Muscle-Squeezing Man: Looking for Purple The BBC Three channel published the Arobieke documentary Aki online on September 12, 2016.

Later that year, he complained to Merseyside Police, accusing them of fostering racial hatred by airing a program that was racist and charged him.

At the Huddersfield Magistrates Court in April 2023, Arobieke was found guilty of driving without showing reasonable respect for other road users. He received three license points and was required to pay a £60 fine, court expenses of £200, and a $34 victim fee.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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