
Madden McKean Accident: Obituary, Cause Of Death, Funeral

Following a fatal bicycle accident last week, a youngster passed away. Madden Mckaen has been named as the victim. According to accounts, Farmington, Minnesota resident Madden Mckaen died from wounds, he received in the collision.

According to reports, he was engaged in the collision while biking in his neighborhood. There needed to be more information provided. There was no information on the accident’s circumstances.

Mike Ferdig posted the following on Facebook:

“One of the best dudes in the world just lost his son…. I can’t imagine the pain. If you can help out, anything is appreciated.   Love you, JJ and the McKeans! Thinking of you all.”

Details on the funeral rites may be announced in the future. Madden Mckean’s friends and family are missing and remembering the dear soul.

Sierra Linford has created a GoFundMe campaign with the following appeal:

“Hi, my name is Sierra, and I put this fundraiser together to help one of the best families I’ve ever known raise money to cover the costs of losing their son. Madden was tragically taken from us too soon after getting into an accident riding his bike in their neighborhood. I’m asking that you donate, share this gofundme if you can, and pray for them as much as possible. Rest in peace, Madden; you are so very loved.”

This money will assist the family during this difficult time by helping to organize the funeral services and other things. One hundred ninety-seven donations have brought USD 18,925 toward the $30,000 target.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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