
Biden Government Grants TPS To Venezuelans: Where And How To Apply?

Venezuelans living in the United States without being residents or citizens received good news this Thursday, after learning that the Biden Administration will grant them Temporary Protected Status, known as TPS, which protects them from being deported, and grants work permits.

With this measure, President Biden is fulfilling another of the promises he had made and it is estimated that some 300,000 Venezuelans who are in the United States without defined immigration status, will be able to benefit.

The CBS News was one of the media that echoed the news, and assured that the announcement was made by the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, who warned that with the TPS, the United States government grants “protection provisional humanitarian aid ”.

TPS, a figure currently enjoyed by other immigrant groups, such as Nicaraguans, Salvadorans, Hondurans and Haitians, is granted to immigrants from countries affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters and epidemics, which prevent a safe return.

“Living conditions in Venezuela reveal a troubled country, incapable of protecting its own citizens. It is in times of extraordinary and temporary circumstances like these that the United States takes a step forward to support eligible Venezuelan citizens who are already present here, ”said Secretary Mayorkas , through his Twitter account.

The news was reconfirmed by the Department of Homeland Security, and through their social networks they made the announcement.

“Today @SecMayorkas designated Venezuela for Temporary Protected Status due to the extraordinary and temporary conditions in Venezuela that prevent nationals from returning safely,” said that agency.

In a press release, the Department of Homeland Security explained that TPS for Venezuelans is being granted for 18 months, ending in September 2022. Protection requires proof of eligibility, such as security and background checks on applicants.

“This designation is due to the extraordinary and temporary conditions in Venezuela that prevent nationals from returning safely, including a complex humanitarian crisis marked by widespread hunger and malnutrition, a growing influence and presence of non-state armed groups, repression and an infrastructure in ruins, ”said the Department of Homeland Security. “TPS can be extended to a country with conditions that fall into one or more of the three statutory bases for designation: ongoing armed conflict, environmental disasters, or extraordinary and temporary conditions.”

That agency mentioned that to be eligible for TPS, Venezuelans must demonstrate that they were living continuously in the United States on March 8, 2021.

“Individuals seeking TPS must apply to US Citizenship and Immigration Services within the 180-day registration period. They can also request employment authorization documents (EAD) and travel authorization. All individuals who apply for TPS undergo security and background checks as part of determining eligibility.

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