Edwin Edwards Net Worth At The Time Of His Death

Edwin Edwards net worth: This is one of the questions that people ask the most about Edwin Edwards and although they always end up answering it on other pages with an “I don’t know, you know” or “it depends” if there are some estimates that various web portals mention.

The estimated net worth of Edwin Edwards was $10 Million. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this American politician. We have estimated Edwin Edwards’s net worth, salary, money,  income, and assets.

Edwin Edwards reveals personal income

The documents say his 2013 income totaled $242,787.

Edwards’ most substantial source of income was the government, with $95,939 earned in 2013 from congressional and state retirement systems and Social Security.

He was also paid $79,500 by Left Field Productions for his now-canceled A&E reality series, “The Governor’s Wife,” and earned another $46,600 from speaking engagements.

Edwin Edwards biography, “Edwin Edwards: Governor of Louisiana,” brought in $17,792 in 2013.

The smallest revenue stream for Edwards came from royalties: $2,787 from Nelson Energy and $169 from Henry Products.

He also reported his income for 2014, up until April 20, which amounted to $51,074.

Edwin Edwards
Net Worth $10 Million
Date Of Birth
August 7, 1927
Nationality American / French
Age 93 years old
William Smith Education Louisiana State University (BA, JD)
Died July 12, 2021

Edwin Edwards Died

Edwin Washington Edwards, the long-lived four-term governor whose dominance of Louisiana politics for three decades was nearly overshadowed by scandal and an eight-year federal prison, died Monday at the age of 93, The Associated Press reported. .

Edwards died of respiratory problems with family and friends at his bedside, family spokesman Leo Honeycutt said. He had suffered bouts of poor health in recent years and this month he entered hospice care at his home in Gonzales, near the Louisiana capital.

Edwin Edwards dies at 93 years of age

“I’ve lived a good life, I’ve had better breaks than most, I’ve had some bad breaks too, but that’s part of it. I tried to help as many people as I could and I hope I did, and I hope, if I did, they help others as well. I love Louisiana and always will, ”Edwards said in some of his last words, according to Honeycutt’s statement.

Earlier in the week, the former governor also said: “I have no doubt that I have been on borrowed time for 20 years and we all know that all this fun has to end at some point.” For him, that moment was shortly after sunrise this morning, the statement said.

Controversial Democratic politician

Edwards, the “Cajun King,” was known for offering a constant supply of memorable catchphrases, as well as for his clever political instincts. Infamously, the longtime Democrat once said that the only way he could lose a race to a particularly mediocre Republican was “if he got caught in bed with a dead girl or a living boy.”

Edwards, a native of the Acadiana region of Louisiana, who was sworn in in 1972 in French and English, enjoyed renewed popularity after being released from prison in 2011 at age 83. With his quick wit and flamboyant character intact, he married Trina Grimes, then 32, his third wife. They met when she began visiting him in prison after they struck up a relationship with a pen pal.

Edwin Edwards was convicted of corruption

“I would have gone to prison happily if I knew how it was going to end,” he said at his lavish 90th birthday party in August 2017. They had a son, Eli, in 2013, Edwards’ fifth child, and starred in a television show. short-lived, “The Governor’s Wife.” The longtime Democrat also attempted a political comeback, losing a runoff to a Republican in a congressional race in southern Louisiana in 2014.

The federal case that led to his conviction in May 2000 involved state river casino licenses issued during and after his fourth and final term in the 1990s. Edwards maintained that the case was based on secretly taped and misinterpreted conversations and the lies from former colleagues who made deals to avoid jail.

Hobby for gambling

Raised a Roman Catholic, Edwards preached in the Church of the Nazarene as a teenager and never drank or smoked. Despite his unabashed fondness for high-stakes gambling, dirty jokes, and his reputation as a womanizer, he gained a following among Catholics and fundamentalists.

He had four children during a 40-year marriage to his high school sweetheart, Elaine Schwartzenburg, before divorcing in 1989. Five years later, at 66, he married Candy Picou, 29, in a ceremony at the mansion. of the governor. They divorced after he went to prison

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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