
Brett Wilson Death: Obituary, Cause Of Death, Funeral

The family of Rick Wilson, the ALSAC board member, is mourning and in grief after the passing of their beloved family member Brett Wilson.

On Tuesday, 1 Aug 2023, Brett Wilson, the loving son of Rick Wilson, departed, leaving the world behind. The reason behind his death isn’t disclosed to the public now.

Information about the burial rituals will be posted soon so his loved one can be part of his final ceremonies.

Philip Lawrence shared his condolence to Brett Wilson on Facebook, which reads:

“Deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Brett Wilson. Brett worked in my Ottawa office as an intern in 2020/2021.My deepest condolences to Brett’s family during this tough time. You are in our prayers.”

Brett was a young man who cared. He cared about his friends; he would help them unconditionally. He cared about his parents.

Brett experienced significant mental and emotional distress in 2019 when he was entering his 20s after learning that his beloved father had ALS, a nervous system disease. To develop cooperation and a shared commitment toward ALS eradication, his idea was to bring all 338 Members of Parliament together under the banner of Team End ALS.

He dedicated himself to supporting his mother and to fighting the disease that took his father from him. He cared so much about his community and country that he built his life and career around public service.

Brett will be remembered as a young man with a big heart for the disadvantaged. He never stopped fighting for those who could not speak up for themselves.

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