
Alexander Sutherland Dies In Accident – What Happened To Him?

The body of aristocrat Alexander Sutherland has been found on cliffs in Thurso East, in the Caithness area of ​​northern Scotland. The event has been described by the country’s police as “inexplicable”, while investigations are still open to clarify what happened.

A call gave notice that a person was on the rocks, however, when the rescue ship arrived nothing could be done for Lord Strathnaver, a title he inherited from his father Alistair Sutherland, 25th Earl of Sutherland, three years ago.

Sutherland, who would have turned 41 next month, was a great fan of surfing, known for doing the sport through the ‘tube rider’ technique, he had even traveled to Indonesia and other exotic places performing real feats with the waves. Also accomplished with the world of surfing, the aristocrat, he was an ambassador for the Luna Surf brand.

An acquaintance and friend of the recently deceased told the ‘Daily Mail’ that he was “a charming guy, a really happy and lucky person. He had no air of grandeur. I didn’t know him as Lord Strathnaver, only as Al.”

The family had already suffered a tragedy when Lord Strathnaver’s cousin, Jamie Janson, known for a famous scandal in the sixties, took his own life in 2019 when he was 44 years old. Having traveled to Syria to fight ISIS   he was arrested on suspicion of terrorism offenses when he returned to the UK in March 2018.

The family has been in charge of restoring its former splendor to the castle of almost two hundred rooms after having been a boarding school for years. After Alexander’s death, it is believed that his sister Rachel could inherit the title of the eldest daughter of his father.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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