Airbnb plans to increase IPO price range, says source

Airbnb’s IPO (initial public offering) is fast approaching and, although the last few months have not been easy for the company dependent on the tourism sector, the starting value of each share has just increased. According to The Wall Street Journal, Airbnb plans to increase the proposed price per share between 56 and 60 dollars, which compares with the initial suggestion of 44 to 50 dollars.
The new price attributes a valuation of at least $ 42 billion to Airbnb, which is expected to enter the US stock exchange as early as next Thursday.

The day before, it will be the turn of DoorDash, a home delivery company, which plans an IPO with shares between 90 and 95 dollars. Sources cited by the same publication indicate that there is also an increase in the proposed value, in this case, causing DoorDash’s valuation to reach the US $ 36 billion or more.

Combining the two businesses, The Wall Street Journal considers that there are positive signs that the pandemic has not entirely conditioned the economic evolution of the United States of America. There is a record in terms of money raised by new companies on the stock exchange.
So far, in the year to date, more than 140 billion dollars have been raised through initial public offerings in the USA.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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