
Why Fernando Del Solar Was In The Hospital Again

The famous driver was caught while leaving a hospital south of Mexico City

Some years ago the television host Fernando del Solar reported on the lung cancer that was diagnosed. Since then, he has suffered some relapses and constant respiratory crises.

Because of this, the beloved 48-year-old presenter was hospitalized for a few days last week “due to a deficiency of oxygenation, ” as reported in this week’s edition by TVNotas magazine.

According to the magazine, reported in turn by a person close to the Argentine-born, after he overcame the deficiency, he was discharged and returned home with his partner, Anna Ferro, and his family. However, he received instructions to return to the hospital in case of presenting some discomfort.

“He was at home and began to feel bad, it was difficult for him to breathe and he was immediately taken to a hospital south of CDMX, where he has been treated since 2012,” the source close to Solar told the publication.

“It was only a lack of oxygen, thank God it was not strong, it was controlled and it was only a few days in the hospital. Due to his illness, it is normal to see that Fer is given this type of painting, ”he explained.

Later, the source told the magazine that the driver faces this type of illness without a specific frequency. It could even go months without a crisis and, without apparent warning, it can destabilize.

“When he has his seizures, they can be controlled as long as he is taken to the hospital on time, as happened on this occasion (…) the doctor recommended that he stay for several days until he gains strength and takes his medications on foot of the letter”.

“At the slightest symptom, he must go to the hospital again and, above all, he must be calm, ” concluded the source close to del Solar in an interview with the Mexican magazine.

In addition, the publication showed photos of the driver in a wheelchair and with a nebulizer to aid his breathing in what is presumed to be the hospital that the source mentions. In the snapshots, Fernando is helped by a nurse and accompanied by his partner.

Yesterday, Fernando was caught leaving the vicinity of a hospital south of Mexico City in the morning. Although he did not want to stop to clarify the reasons why he was there, several cameramen recorded the driver in his vehicle.

As seen in the Venga la Alegría program, Fernando left the vicinity of the hospital in a car and with a companion: “ We were concerned about the image, but we know that it is fine, that it is being treated for a condition, that at this time he could say, but we send a greeting, “said journalist Flor Rubio at the time of broadcasting the video.

Later, Horacio Villalobos revealed that del Solar had left the same hospital where Eric del Castillo and Silvia Pinal were treated throughout the past week. The first for a domestic accident that did not cause major damage and the first actress to treat a presumed urinary infection and a cardiovascular issue.

At the moment, Fernando has not declared if his visit to the hospital is due to this latest episode reported by the magazine. However, on different occasions, del Solar has spoken about his health and the complications he has had with it.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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