VIDEO Where YosStop “Predicted” Their Stay In The Santa Martha Acatitla Prison

It was a YouTube video that the same content creator shared with her best friend in September 2020.

It was in 2020 that Yoseline Hoffman invited her best friend Karenn to a “truth or dare ” style activity, where the one who felt identified with the sentence that someone else read to them would have a shot of alcohol.

“Today we have a special guest. Today we have Karenn who has just been her birthday and I made a very special video for her remembering videos in which she has appeared on this channel … Today it made me shit * to make a video of best friends forever with lollipop … Gerardo is going to tell us things, like a TikTok tag and if I think I fit the sentence, I’ll take it and if not, then no, ” YosStop explained the dynamic they would perform.

Among the many questions that Gerardo, Yoseline Hoffman’s boyfriend asked both girls, the one made at minute 3:25 of the content attracted attention, because without even imagining it, the content creator would have predicted her future in the Santa Martha Acatitla Prison.

“Who is more likely to go to prison?” Asked Gerardo, Yoseline’s sentimental partner, and it was the content creator who ended up drinking part of her drink, since she did not see the possibility of ending up in prison somewhere far away or unfeasible. moment of her life.

Before expressing “I was worth madr * s”, the content creator gave a tremendous laugh with the question asked by Gerardo.

It was on June 29 that agents of the Prosecutor’s Office arrested Yoseline Hoffman in her own home and it was the journalist Carlos Jiménez who made the news known through her Twitter account.

The news quickly spread through social networks positioning itself as the main trend. According to the journalist, Yoseline Hoffman is accused of alleged child pornography and was sent to the Santa Martha Acatitla prison.

In March 2021, Ainara N denounced the YouTuber for the crime of child pornography after being sexually abused and recorded without her consent while she was intoxicated.

Through the video “Patética generation”, which has already been removed from YouTube, “Yos” claimed to have in her possession the videos of the rape of which Ainara was a victim and mockingly revictimized her, calling it “very distracted morality.” She also exhibited her identity and personal data to the millions of subscribers who follow her on her channel.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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