Tania Mendoza Died: What Happened To Her?

The actress Tania Mendoza is shot dead while waiting for her 11-year-old son.

On the afternoon of December 14, the protagonist of the film ‘The Queen of the South’ was shot while waiting to pick up her 11-year-old son from her soccer training. This was the second attack that Tania Mendoza suffered.

According to local media reports, two men on a motorcycle shot the 42-year-old woman in the chest and the attack was witnessed by other parents who were waiting for their children to leave. The attackers managed to flee.

According to information from the newspaper El Universal, the police mounted an operation to try to find the criminals, but they were unable to capture anyone.
The son of the actress was protected by her father Rafael Sánchez Rojas, who was in charge of recognizing the body of his wife and carrying out the pertinent procedures to claim the body.

Lived a kidnapping

In September 2010, the actress filed a complaint with the Deputy Attorney General for Special Investigations of the Attorney General’s Office of Morelos for the crimes of aggravated vehicle theft, robbery at home, and illegal deprivation of liberty committed against her, her husband Rafael Sánchez Rojas and her six-month-old son.

According to their statements, the couple was inside their business (a car wash), when three armed men dressed in black took them to a house where they were held captive for a few hours , they threatened to kill them if they did not deliver. a large amount of money, reported the newspaper El Universal.

The kidnappers released them and when they arrived at their home they realized that their belongings had been stolen, the extraction of an Audi car and they received harassment by telephone.

Who was Tania Mendoza?

Tania Mendoza was an actress and singer from the Mexican region. Although the exact details of her beginning in the artistic medium are unknown, in 2005 she starred in the film ‘La mera mera reina del sur’, in which she shared credits with Jorge Ortín, Toño Infante, and Rafael Goyri. She also participated in some soap operas, movies and television shows.

As a singer, she recorded five record productions with ranchero, mariachi, and grupero songs.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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