
TY West Motorcycle Accident: Legendary Rider TY West Dies in Texas

The loss of Texas motorcyclist TY West has saddened and grieved the DFW motorcycle community. West was reported dead on Saturday, July 22, 2023.

The tragic news of the man’s passing was announced on Facebook by another bike rider and long-time friend of Biker TY West.

According to sources, he sustained fatally critical injuries when his bike collided with a car and later died.

This incident’s specifics or circumstances are unknown, but authorities seek to paint a clearer picture of what happened.

The funeral and burial arrangements have not been made public; hopefully, his family will do so soon.

Biker TY West was a widely recognized rider from Fort Worth, Texas. He had an excellent record in the DFW motorcycle community and was respected for his prowess and passion.

West was known as a showman who motivated his fellow riders to advance and get better all the time. His friends called him Bubba, and he did many good things for the DFW community.

Biker Ty West’s passing serves as a dark reminder of the fleeting nature of life and his enormous impact on racing. His efforts and dedication to the growth of the DFW motorcycling community will have a lasting influence.


“aw u the other day and now you’re gone to heaven. Few words I have to describe Ty West since we became friends -inspiration,  fun, kindness, brotherly, friendly, giving,… a good man and it’s so sad to see you go so soon. God has a plan for all of us and I’ll see u when I get there!! Prayers and condolences to all of the family and friends of Ty. Was great to meet him and ride with him. He was the only guy to have ridden every one of my builds and I wud never think twice about him doing it as talented as he was. Even introduced him a lot as the guy who I let wheelie all my bikes. Just a note for everyone to read: it doesn’t matter how good you are at riding the end of life is always there right in front of you. Please be safe and live your life as tomorrow is never expected. RIP Ty West.”

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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