
Mathis Bellon Dies In Accident: What Happened To Him?

Mathis died at the age of 9 overwhelmed by a minibike in Arco, IMF: ” In other countries, they start racing at age 6. We do everything possible for the safety of children ”

The president of the Italian Motorcycle Federation at the Adnkronos agency wanted to clarify that the event for which little Mathis was preparing was not under the aegis of the Italian Motorcycle Federation and not even the plant was among those approved by the IMF.

“We are dismayed and saddened by what happened to this child.” These are the words that arrived in the past few hours from Giovanni Copioli, president of the Italian Motorcycle Federation, to the Adnkronos agency regarding the death of the 9-year-old boy Mathis Bellon, who was involved last week in a minibike accident at the Ala kart track in Trentino Mathis’s heart stopped beating on Thursday, after seven days of intensive therapy.

A tragedy has shocked the whole motorcycle sports world. Copioli in his speech specified that the event for which little Mathis was preparing was not under the aegis of the Italian Motorcycle Federation and not even the system had been approved by them but by other bodies.

Copioli explained to Adnkronos that “As far as safety is concerned, we are really doing a lot ” by introducing training and prevention activities for children.

“In Spain they start competing at 6, in France at 7. We have also raised the age of all the other classes since last year and we try to do, not only everything related to safety, to the approval of the systems, but to do everything related to physical preparation and kids technique ”, the president of the IMF has always explained to the Agency. In Italy, Copioli continued, the competition has started further ahead than in other states, for eight years where, with maximum protection, the first races are started.

The Tragedy Of The Little Mathis

Mathis was just 8 years old, he left after seven days in a coma, hospitalized in pediatric intensive care at the Verona hospital from where his parents had also requested a transfer to France to be closer to home. For a very long week, hope has never abandoned family, friends and the many fans of two wheels.

Mathis Bellon was the victim of an accident that took place last Friday at the Ala kart track. After losing control of the bike, the 8-year-old slid on the asphalt. But just at that moment, another vehicle arrived on the track. Despite the maneuvers and attempts, the young driver was centered and thus remained unconscious on the ground.

On-site the medical staff did everything to try to save the young driver and after stabilizing him he was transferred to Verona. Since then, however, his conditions have unfortunately never improved. The very serious traumas led to the death of the child.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.

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